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Toni Aiken
I am Toni, The brand Lion Pride just breathes greatness and the fact that it is authentically Jamaican and I am authentically Jamaican it just is a perfect match. As a Jamaican CODA (Child of Deaf Adults), using Jamaican Sign Language it's only fitting that LION Pride should be represented by Jamaicans. Since 2004 Lion Pride has been on the market, I have been using Lion Pride Products since 2012. My go to products are from Lion Pride and I am happy to be a part of the Family.
Jamaican Sign Language Expert

I started using Lion Pride products when a friend of mine always used to curse me out for not using brown rolling papers (unbleached). After all that lecturing I finally decided to ask for brown papers the next time I went to the gas station. I went and they offered me the Lion Pride Unbleached Slim and maybe it's my imagination but my spliffs somehow started smoking better and slower (I’m a slow-burner) and I haven’t stopped using them since.
Tattoo Artiste

Lion Pride has been my go to rolling paper brand since I came home, specifically the organic hemp papers. They are my favorite because.. well, they're made out of my favorite flowers; cannabis. On an average day in my element, you’ll find me somewhere in nature. Taking advantage of earths elements and all it has to offer, because plant medicine is my calling through livity & love.
-Taijah Unique
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